
Goals or ideas thereof.


This collection of snippets is made to represent on the web a few attempts ("musings") toward activating or observing features of MathML, present, past or future.

Who ?#

Currently maintained by Paul Libbrecht.

When ?#

Started in 2021... with the hope that it gets bigger.


The website is built using 11ty based on Stehanie Eckles Netlify Start.

The choice of infra brings an easy and clean publishing and flexible possibilities to stage all sorts of media-types and HTML forms as part of this endeavour includes exploring media-types for serving and exchanging MathML and the possibilities one reaches on browsers.

The source is on GitHub and the site is hosted on netlify.

But ?#

Should you wish to suggest an enrichment, please make a fork and pull-request. Or just contact me or speak up on twitter.